Loosely this terminology is the implementation of photovoltaic solar panels in growing fields also used for crop harvesting or grazing. Effectively giving you the ability to harvest from two sources on the same land.
It would encompass solar controllers, string inverters, solar panels, pole mount systems, ground mount arrays, batteries & other technologies like data, monitoring, temp. / moisture control along with many other methods of measuring yeild.
The technology has many facets from software design, integration, implementaion, monitoring, land use, and power requirements on the land or in the community, or the grid. Resilience from the grid for power needs, operation up-time, and maybe more importantly ability to operate and complete time-sensitive duties knowing your power supply will work independently of what's happening in the rest of the world.
The solution is bigger than what we offer, but we are part of the solution, the power, it's storage and its consumption are something we calculate and can help with. Then supply all the power components required and have installed to NZ building code, electrical code and standards.